

Why am I having a tooth ache?

Toothache can be caused by anything from a popcorn hull stuck in your gum to a broken tooth or a bacterial infection. Some toothaches may come from temporary gum irritation. But serious toothaches need treatment by our team to resolve the pain and whatever problem is causing it. Read More

What are the risks of missing teeth?

Teeth fall out for a number of reasons, the most common being tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth injuries. A lost tooth may not seem like a big deal, but it can cause serious oral and physical health issues if left untreated. Read more

What causes gum bleeding?

If your gums bleed when you brush, you may have gum disease and it could lead to bad breath, then inflamed, receding gums and, eventually tooth loss. Read more

Why do I have bad breath?

Breath bad smelling also called (Halitosis) can result from poor dental health habits and may be a sign of other health problems, It can be made worse by the types of foods you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. You can take steps to prevent and treat halitosis, at home and with the help of your dentist or doctor. Read more

How can I straighten my teeth?

Depending on your type of malocclusion, your orthodontist may recommend various treatments. These can include: 

braces to correct the position of your teeth 

dental appliances or retainers to realign teeth 

removal of teeth to correct overcrowding. Read more 

How can I stop my child from thumb sucking ?

Remember, most children will stop sucking their thumb by themselves by the time they are 4 years old. Others will stop when they get to school and find out that the other children are not sucking their thumb. 

Positive reinforcement is the best way to help your child to stop thumb sucking, as well as support, encouragement and reminders. Noticing when they haven’t been sucking their thumb, and pointing out how ‘grown up’ they are, is a way to be positive. It also becomes easier when the child realizes that they want to stop sucking their thumb. Read more

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