
Tooth Extraction


As dentists we are trained to always look at every possible option for saving your natural teeth, and pulling teeth is never our first choice. Unfortunately, however, that’s not always possible.
In those cases, we will perform an extraction.  In order to save an adult tooth, we may consider using fillings and sealants, or if there’s nerve damage, a root canal may be an option. But if decay extends too deeply under the gum, severe periodontal disease is present, the tooth is cracked, or an infection cannot be resolved, a tooth extraction is recommended as the best option. 

What Happens During a Tooth Extraction?

In the beginning we are going to check how is situation of the tooth is if it can be restorable so we are going to restore it with filling or root canal treatment ,if not possible to be treated we are going to evaluate the tooth position, root formation and shape of the root trough taking xray for the tooth will be extracted and the adjacent structure.

After that anesthetize the site of extraction till the patient feel with numb , After that we can proceed for the extraction with out any pain.

During the extraction procedure you will not feel any pain but you might feel discomfort resulting from the slight pressure will be done. 

What happens After a Tooth is Removed ?

The first 24 hours after extraction are the most important time while in this time the blood clot will be formed and start the healing process to form a new bone so we avoid to use any hard food or hot food and drinks and also we avoid the spitting or rinsing the mouth strongly to avoid the blood clot to get out from the socket , if that happen will result in dry socket which will leave you in pain ,but if that happen you need to visit us again in Implant dental clinic to treat this situation easily .    

What is the instruction i should follow after tooth extraction?

Postoperative care after extraction of tooth is very important, and you need to do the following.

1-bite on the gauze will be provided with the dental surgeon for 30 minutes.

2- Avoid spitting or vigorous rinsing the mouth after the extraction .

3- consume soft and fluid diet only in the day of extraction.

4-All food and drinks should not be hot or warm only cold .

5-No smoking or drink alcohols  in the day of extraction.

 6- Brushing the teeth and keep away from the site of extraction.

7-Dont exert any hard duties or exercises at the day of extraction

8-After 24 hour rinse your mouth with warm saline .

9-use the medication prescribed by your doctor with the same time and doses.

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