
Effects of missing teeth

Teeth fall out for a number of reasons, the most common being tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth injuries. A lost tooth may not seem like a big deal, but it can cause serious oral and physical health issues if left untreated.

What will happen if I lost my tooth or teeth and not restored it?

A gap in your teeth is more than an aesthetic problem. It can also cause difficulty with daily life tasks and lead to further dental and health issues. 

Shifting of the Teeth 

Teeth are designed to fit snugly together. When one is lost, there is no longer any support for the adjacent teeth, leading them to shift. Over time, this shifting can lead to more serious dental problems or even misalignment of the jaw. 

Difficulty Speaking and Chewing 

The teeth play an important role in shaping the sounds you make when you talk, and missing teeth can cause you to slur your words or become difficult to understand. Chewing also becomes more difficult when you lose teeth, as the teeth are responsible for breaking down food. 

Problems with Your Bite

 As your teeth shift, this can change the way they come together when you bite. And an improper bite can promote bruxism, a habitual grinding of the teeth, or even when this can lead to bruxism, which is a habitual grinding of your teeth, or a jaw disorder such as TMJ disorder. These issues can promote damage to the enamel of your teeth, tension headaches , tooth sensitivity and more. 

Changes in Facial Structure 

The roots of your teeth provide support for your lips and cheeks. Without this support, your lips may droop down and lose their shape, and your cheeks may become sunken. These changes can cause premature wrinkles and make you look older. In severe cases, tooth loss can even change the shape of your nose. 

Gum Disease 

Tooth loss provides an opening for bacteria to enter your gums, leading to inflammation, infection, and gum disease. Gum disease can damage the connective tissues and bones supporting your teeth, causing them to become loose and eventually fall out. 

Further Tooth Loss 

Shifting teeth, changes in your bite, gum disease, and loss of bone in the jaw can eventually cause more of your teeth to fall out over time. In severe cases, you may not be able to get replacement teeth without a bone graft.


Chewing is like exercise for your jaw bone. The forces that go through the teeth stimulate bone growth. A missing tooth will often lead to bone loss. 

Overall Health Problems 

Several research studies have found that people with missing teeth are more likely to experience health problems such as heart disease and stroke. While the exact cause is unknown, it is believed to be caused by increased inflammation in the mouth, which has been linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. 

Missing teeth can also make it challenging to eat a healthy diet, leading to obesity and further increasing the risk. 

How to Avoid Dental Disaster ?

Whether you’ve already lost a tooth or are trying to prevent it, you can do a few things to avoid dental problems induced by a missing tooth. 

Get Routine Care 

It’s important to see a dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings, so they can catch problems before they start. If you are having trouble affording dental care, ask your dentist about payment plans or other financing options. 

Dental care doesn’t end at the dentist’s office. Brush and floss daily and eat a healthy diet to keep your teeth strong. 

See Your Dentist if You Lose a Tooth 

If one of your teeth falls out, try to find the tooth and contact your dentist as soon as possible. They may be able to re-implant the tooth. 

Ask About Replacement Teeth 

If you are missing teeth, there are a number of ways to replace them. One popular option is dental implants, which have many benefits over other replacement options like dentures and bridges. Talk to your dentist to determine which replacement option is right for you. 

Get Quality Dental Care from Implant Dental Clinic

At Implant dental clinic , we believe that everyone deserves to have a healthy and beautiful smile. Whether looking for preventive or restorative treatments, we are committed to providing the highest quality dental care. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. 


What are the options for Replacing my Missing Teeth ?

There are few options to replace missing teeth, as well as the pros and cons of each option and cost information. 

Dental implants

Dental implants are an option when you need to replace a single tooth, or when you’re missing several teeth in different areas of your mouth. 

This treatment involves surgically mounting a titanium metal post or frame into your upper or lower jaw. A replacement tooth is then mounted to the implant, which allows the tooth to remain in place. 

Basically, a dental implant provides a permanent base for a replacement tooth. 

While cost will vary depending on several factors, on average, the estimated cost of a single tooth dental implant ranges in our Implant dental clinic (Kenya – Nairobi ) from 100k  –  200k  Kenyan shiling

Advantages of dental implants 

The biggest advantage is that the replacement tooth resembles a natural tooth and can last for decades. 

Another advantage of an implant is that nearby teeth aren’t involved (like with a bridge), so the rest of your teeth should remain intact. 

Disadvantages of dental implants 

This is a surgical procedure, so you’ll need to be in good physical health for surgery and recovery. Plus, the healing process can take several months. 

Your dentist won’t attach the replacement tooth until the dental implant completely heals. 

Also, dental implants tend to be more expensive than other replacement options for a missing tooth. The procedure may be covered by some insurances, but you might be responsible for deductibles and co-pays. 

Fixed dental bridge

If you don’t want a dental implant, see if you’re a candidate for a fixed dental bridge. This tooth replacement option might be effective if you’re missing one or more teeth in the same area. 

A fixed bridge essentially bridges a gap caused by a missing tooth using a dental prosthetic or artificial tooth. The prosthetic is attached to adjacent teeth and then bonded in place using dental cement. 

A single bridge with 3 units  will range in price depending on materials used . Some sources indicate a single bridge can cost from 90k – 150k Kenyan shiling. The procedure may be covered by some insurances. 

Advantages of dental bridges 

Bridges are beneficial because they feel and look like natural teeth. You might find they improve the appearance of your natural teeth on either side of the space.  

Disadvantages of dental bridges 

It can be difficult to clean around the tooth underneath the bridge. 

Bridges involve altering existing teeth. Also, a poorly fitted bridge could gradually damage adjoining teeth over time. 

In addition, plaque and bacteria could seep underneath the bridge, causing tooth decay or an infection. 

Removable partial dentures

Your dentist may suggest complete dentures if you need to replace all of your teeth. But if you only need to replace some of your teeth, you might be a candidate for a removable partial denture. 

This dental appliance consists of replacement teeth attached to a natural-looking pink base. 

Your natural teeth stabilize and hold the removable plastic base in place, although some dentures have a clasp that adjoins to natural teeth. 

The base is designed to match the color of your gums, and the teeth the color of your natural teeth. These dentures might be an option if you need to replace multiple teeth in one part of your mouth. 

Advantages of partial dentures 

Removable partial dentures look and feel natural in the mouth, and they’re also less expensive and easier to repair and replace than other tooth replacement options. 

Disadvantages of partial dentures 

people might find partial dentures uncomfortable, at least until they adjust to wearing them. 

Dentures must be removed and cleaned daily, and you’ll also remove them before bed. This constant handling can make them more susceptible to damage. 

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