
Orthodontic Treatments in Children

Orthodontic Treatments with children

One of the issues that families have the most difficulty following about their children is the topic of oral and dental health. Because the structure of the teeth and mouth is constantly changing in childhood and there are many factors that can disrupt the healthy progression of this change. These situations which should be observed with caution are as follows. 

Inability to breathe comfortably through the nose / mouth breathing 


Immature swallow / baby swallow (putting the tongue between the teeth when swallowing) 

Genetic susceptibility 

Nail biting, pen nibble, etc. 

Early extraction of baby teeth 

Untreated baby tooth cavities 

Being the submaxilla is in front compared to the maxilla 

Being the maxilla is narrow compared to the submaxilla 

Being the maxilla is narrow compared to the submaxilla 

Orthodontic problems arise if one or more of the above mentioned factors are together. Sometimes families do not realize the situation until the consequences of these problems become stronger. Orthodontic treatment does not just mean treatment with braces. 

Many of the problems in jaw structure can be corrected at an early stage by using different apparatus (face mask, chin protector, functional apparatus, moving apparatus or extension apparatus, etc.) before applying fixed braces treatment. The appropriate age to start orthodontic treatment in children is between 7-12 years depending on the type of problem. 


When should I first take my child to the orthodontist?

We recommend that your child’s teeth and jaw structure be checked by an orthodontist before he or she is 7 years old, whether there are problems for you or not. Problems detected early in childhood are both easier to correct and prevent more severe problems that may occur in the future. 

My child has only baby teeth in his/her mouth yet, should I have an operation at this stage? Will his/her teeth change somehow

The function of baby teeth in the mouth is very important. Good care of baby teeth, treatment (filling, root canal treatment) when tooth cavity occurs on baby teeth is at least as necessary as permanent teeth. Because baby teeth protect the place of permanent teeth that will come from below in the mouth. Decreasing the size of baby teeth due to early extraction or cariosity causes the permanent teeth to lose their place, that is, lack of space in the mouth. In these cases, the tooth that will come from the bottom erupt crooked (uneven teeth) or it cannot find any place in the mouth and remains impacted. In this way, the entire jaw structure of the patient is damaged due to the baby tooth which he/she did not treated in time. And the need for more expensive treatments emerge in the future. 

Are braces worn to baby teeth?

You can start your orthodontic treatment while there are baby teeth. There are different subbranches of orthodontic treatment. Interceptive and preventive orthodontics applications are made during this period. Baby teeth in the mouth usually last for 6 months to 3 years, the period until the first large molar tooth erupts at the age of 6 years is the milk dentition. The first large molar tooth which erupts around 6-7 years is a permanent tooth and remains in the mouth for life if it is not pulled out. Between the ages of 6-12, there are both baby teeth and permanent teeth in the mouth. This period is also called the mixed dentition stage. Classical orthodontic treatment with fixed braces is usually performed after the age of 12 when permanent teeth are completed. However, everyone’s jaw structure and dentition stage may vary depending on their developmental status. There is no single ideal treatment age for everyone. Therefore, it may be possible to interfere in the early period without progressing problems with a routine dental or orthodontist examination. 

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