
Crown & Bridges

Crown & Bridges

Dental Crowns are custom-made caps that are used to restore and strengthen a weak or broken down tooth. They can be used to strengthen cracked teeth or for aesthetic reasons to improve your smile by changing the shape and colour of your teeth. Dental Crowns can be made out of a variety of different materials including gold and most commonly porcelain. Porcelain is used due to its high strength and natural aesthetic colour and appearance.

What is the dental Crown?

Dental Crowns are custom-made caps that are used to restore and strengthen a weak or broken down tooth. They can be used to strengthen cracked teeth or for aesthetic reasons to improve your smile by changing the shape and colour of your teeth. Dental Crowns can be made out of a variety of different materials including gold and most commonly porcelain. Porcelain is used due to its high strength and natural aesthetic colour and appearance.

How Do Dental Crowns Work?

Crowns are used to replace the outermost component of a tooth in order to restore its original function and provide a natural look. Crowns are the treatment of choice when dental disease has destroyed the majority of the original tooth, when a traumatic incident has caused considerable damage, or when serious enamel erosion or wear has occurred. 

What is the dental bridge?

If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge is usually used to fill the gap. Fixed bridges are attached to neighboring teeth, whether natural or implanted, on each side of the missing tooth. Dental bridges can be used to enhance a tooth’s look, shape, alignment, and dental occlusion in addition to reinforcing a broken tooth (bite). Missing tooth gaps can cause the remaining teeth to move, resulting in a misaligned bite. Bridges have a role in preventing this from happening. 

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