
Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth which are the teeth located in the backmost of the jaws, they are 4 in total and often remain impacted because there is not enough space in the jaws.

When do wisdom teeth erupt?

The wisdom teeth erupt normally between 17 to 23 years old , if it will have the sufficient space I will erupt easily and will be in function with other teeth.

Why am I feeling a lot of pain in my wisdom tooth?

When your wisdom erupt with insufficient  space or erupt in wrong direction that will result in making the wisdom partial impacted following that a gap between the gum and the tooth will accumulate the food debris and this will lead to gingival infection and will result in decaying of the wisdom and the adjacent tooth all these problem will cause that strong pain you can not bear, once you discover that you need to visit us in implant dental

Is the extraction of wisdom teeth painful?

Thanks to anesthesia performed during the operation, only a feeling of pressure is felt during tooth extraction.  You might feel your cheek swelling for a short time , but normally if you are following the instruction well,  you will be ok .

Is there any bleeding after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, it is normal to have bleeding from the tooth extraction socket. Bleeding can continue for two days. It is important that the patient does not spit during this time. For the first 30 minutes, the gauze pad should be pressed to the area of the extraction. Bleeding can last longer if you use medications that increase bleeding such as Aspirin. 

What instructions should I follow after tooth extraction?

Postoperative care after extraction of tooth is very important, and you need to do the following.

1-bite on the gauze will be provided with the dental surgeon for 30 minutes.

2- Avoid spitting or vigorous rinsing the mouth after the extraction .

3- consume soft and fluid diet only in the day of extraction.

4-All food and drinks should not be hot or warm only cold .

5-No smoking or drink alcohols  in the day of extraction.

 6- Brushing the teeth and keep away from the site of extraction.

7-Dont exert any hard duties or exercises at the day of extraction

8-After 24 hour rinse your mouth with warm saline .

9-use the medication prescribed by your doctor with the same time and doses.

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